This is a topic I / we discussed today so thought I'd put it out there and offer some advice.
The crystal market is flooded with hundreds of thousands of crystals and minerals so it can be a little mind boggling at times for the buyer and often the names given are just passed down the chain and not checked and thus the prices can reflect the name, not what the crystal actually is.
A good example that is topical at the moment is Blue Calcite vs Celestite. (.....and Angelite if you want to throw a 3rd in the mix!)
Blue calcite is a calcium carbonate material and is lighter than Celestite which is a crystalline composition that forms in small shards which you will often see in the form of a Geode or on a mineral bed. Blue calcite is normally found as raw lumps and has a rhombohedral structure hence its angular and often hexagonal facets. When polished, these shapes become very distinct and visible, unlike that of Celestite if you're ever lucky enough to find one!
As above... Celestite is often a Geode or mineral bed so it's not normally possible to be able to get a sphere out of it and due to wastage - the cost would be too high.
Not only will the price differ, but so will the healing properties of each.
Basically.... its very rare indeed to get Celestite (celestine) in a sphere or a tower, or any polished shape other than that of a tumblestone and even at that.... because it's so delicate, they often break in a tumbler.
So if you see a polished shape and it's blue... and is labelled as CELESTITE.... its more than likely blue calcite which is cheaper and you'll pay more because it's been labelled Celestite.
Always ask your retailer if you're not sure!
#knowledge #knowyourcraft #crystalhealer #crystalshop