Collection: Pendulums

Pendulums are a great 'tool' for all things energy! They are commonly used in crystal healing, rituals, paranormal investigations, readings and much more!

A pendulum is like having your favourite screwdriver in your toolbox - the more you use it, the more attached you become to it - and more in tune too.

Using a pendulum is pretty easy - you need to learn the 'yes/no' and then the more in tune you become with it, then you can learn the 'don't know' or 'not sure'. When i use mine i can even see when its 'thinking' or 'making a decision'.

You won't always get on with every pendulum but much like a crystal - it will call you out and you will be drawn to one.

I've had mine for years and i love it! I use a different one for Reiki and another for my other stuff i do...

There's a small selection here and as stock levels across the country begin to increase we will get more back in.