Crystal Uses

Crystal Uses

A Crystal's energy is emitted in different ways depending on its shape and also has different uses.

Although the vibration and frequency is still the same for each crystal; its power, direction and uses can vary.

Most commonly, many of us carry some on our person in the way of tumblestones, and we use them in crystal healing too. The energy from these work up to about 2 to 3ft, so anywhere on you is fine.

Ladies tend to carry them in a handbag or bra because often certain types of ladies' clothing doesn't have pockets.

When we need them for sleep, under your pillow if you're not a wriggler is a good place, or if you do like to move about at night - the bedside cabinet is also great. Some crystals like selenite wands go under the bed for helping back problems.

In the office, points placed on your desk mean they won't fall over and send concentrated energy into your workspace.

Around the home, we can work with feng shui points such as the back left corner for wealth, or all four corners outside, buying tourmaline to cast a cloak of protection from negative energy.
Another is to have obsidian by the front door to absorb any negativity as you enter your home to keep the field clean and positive.

Selenite or Amethyst, bigger the better for these areas - is a great one for communal spaces such as Lounge, Hallway or Dining area. It purifies the energy and brings peace and calm to these areas so it's ideal for busy households or areas of high traffic and or stress.

If you're into meditation or energy work, DTs are great for connection and communication.

Palmstones and worrystones are excellent for "at the time of need" eg anxiety, stress, worry or thinking.

We've got a great selection of many types of crystals to suit many types of requirements.... if in doubt, drop us a message.

In any case, there's always a crystal for everything in some way, shape or form! 🙏

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