Crystals to Support Children at School

Crystals to Support Children at School

We often get asked about crystals to help children on their school journey so we thought we would put together this guide with crystal information and tips to help your children navigate the sometimes daunting world of school! 

We understand there are a few different pressures children may experience on their school journey and while crystals may not solve the challenges they encounter we firmly believe the crystal energy can help soothe their emotions, focus their minds or aid protection and self-confidence.

After you have read the below guide outlining different types and shapes of crystals and how to use them, we will also offer advice on talking to your children about crystals and how they can connect with them and programme them at the end of this article.


One of the most common crystals for soothing anxiety and relieving negative thoughts is Amethyst.  This is also great if your child suffers with headaches - place the amethyst on the forehead while they lay down and relax. 

Blue Calcite is also particularly good for children and very calming, especially if they need help in speaking up to their teacher or in front of the class. 

Selenite is very calming for children too, please note this is a crystal that cannot get wet. 

Green Aventurine is very good for pre-exam and exam stress. It's great for decision making and calming / relaxtion.


Tigers Eye (particularly the Blue & Gold variety) is a brilliant crystal for helping children to become more confident, in their friendships and in participating in group work. 


If your child is worried about changes taking place within the school environment, perhaps a move to a new year, new school or new teacher arriving; then Lepidolite or Rhodonite will assist in soothing any anxiety and helping them with the changes. 

Concentration and Focus

Fluorite is your friend in this department! An excellent crystal to aid focus and concentration, particularly good for any older children embarking on coursework and exams. 


Black Tourmaline will act like a shield and keep any negativity sent your child's way at bay.  Black Obsidian is also great and will absorb negativity.  These two are good if your child struggles with bullying or being in a classroom where everyone seems to be a bit negative and everything a bit of struggle.  They will help ease the low vibes.  If your child can be a bit flighty and have their head in the clouds then these two crystals will also help to keep them grounded; Hematite is also excellent for this and keeping feet on the ground rather than head in the clouds ;) 


If your child is bit lacking in the motivation department and struggles to find some 'get up and go' for school then Carnelian will help provide that bit of oomph they need. 


If your child is having difficulty sleeping then White Howlite under their pillow will aid a restful nights sleep. Amethyst beside the bed will help too and selenite is also good for relaxing. 


Charoite is great for children (and adults!) with ADHD and/or autism. 


There are a few different shapes of crystals we would like to talk about too:

Tumblestones - great for carrying in pockets and pencil cases. Small enough to tuck away somewhere or hold onto. 

Worry/thumb stones - these are brilliant for placing in a pocket and then holding/playing with when your child needs a boost.  The act of turning them over on your palm or rubbing your thumb over them will help focus the mind back on the intentions your put into the crystal (see end of article). Having something tactile to hold onto can be very grounding. 

Tablets - these are a little bigger than worry/thumb stones but again small enough to be carried around fairly discreetly and feel lovely and smooth to hold. 

Palmstones - these are palm sized and younger children may find them a little too large for their hands; however, if the crystal is to be used more at home than at school then these can work really well to sit and meditate with, or for children to talk to and let the crystal take all their worries away for them. 

Hearts - by their very nature hearts instantly take minds to love and positive emotional feelings.  We have a lovely range of flat hearts that would work much like a worry stone or tablet, we have mini hearts that are similar to tumble stone sizes and we have larger puff hearts too which would work more like palmstones. However, we think hearts really do make a lovely crystal gift if you are buying for someone else as they represent your loving intentions and are a reminder of this to the recipient of the crystal too. 

As mentioned above, crystals are best to be carried in pockets or pencil cases or school bags.  Some parents have also sewn smaller crystals into the linings of blazers which is a great idea! 


When choosing crystals for someone else we would advise taking a moment to get comfortable, clear your mind and focus on the person you are choosing for. Then tune in to see what crystals feel right to you, maybe you will keep being drawn back to particular ones, maybe you just instantly 'know' the right ones. There is no right and wrong, and if a crystal keeps calling you even though you *think* you should choose something else, go with your gut instinct.  Also note, that our descriptions of crystals properties are far from exhaustive so there may be a reason, that isn't in the description, why a certain crystal keeps calling out to you.  

So now you have chosen your crystals let's talk about how to connect with them and get the best out of them when they arrive with you. Again, this is not the only way of doing this, do what feels right to you but we would suggest by initially cleansing the crystal and then holding it in your hands and telling it what you would like it to help with.  Definitely invite your child to do this with you if they are open to working with the crystals. For instance, you have tigers eye to help with confidence then maybe you will talk to the crystal along the lines of 'I'd like your energy to help me to be more confident when talking in class and with my friends, to help me to stand up for myself'. 

The encourage your child to keep the crystal with them and talk it, play with it, hold it whenever they feel the need to.  The more they work with the crystal, the more their energies will align and work more harmoniously together. 

The crystals listed above are just the tip of the iceberg - just some of the ones that could help, so please do message or contact us to discuss in more detail if you would like advice in purchasing crystals to help your child. 

If you want to look up other emotions - type the emotion or condition in the search  bar and hot enter to see what comes up for that query! If you don't see what you're looking for - drop us a message and we can cross reference our offline material.


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