April "Pink" Full Moon

April "Pink" Full Moon

The next full moon is Wednesday 24 April (00.49am) so you’ll see it at it’s brightest both Tuesday and Wednesday night.

This moon is also named the Pink Moon - Northern Native Americans call April's full moon the pink moon after a species of early blooming wildflower. In other cultures, this moon is called the sprouting grass moon, the egg moon, and the fish moon.

This full moon falls in Scorpio and it’s the perfect time to find balance between the practicalities of what you can achieve to make your life better vs your emotions and feelings for them.

On Saturday Jupiter and Uranus began to align - something that only happens once every 20 years, and it’s a time to face the direction you really want to be in and not look back.

Today, Sunday, they meet and astrological magic happens. Think back to 2011 when this last happened - where were you in your life? This is an astrological chapter now - so think about what you really want now. This is a rare opportunity to heal ourselves, enrich our relationships and make our realities a better place.

You really need to use this energy of this full moon and Jupiter / Uranus alignment to propel the changes you intend to make. This is a once in a 20 year opportunity - do not miss it!

Scorpio is a fiery, passionate energy and as this full moon lands within - coupled with Jupiter / Uranus alignment - there will be energetic fireworks and explosions everywhere! Mercury retrograde draws to an end the day after too - so any issues relating to that should fizzle out, but be aware and acknowledge feelings or emotions that may have come up as a result. Welcome introspection and be prepared to address issues that have been lurking beneath the surface, it's an opportunity for you to delve into the depths of your soul, release what no longer serves you and embrace transformation - just like Scorpio wants!

Crystals - The last eclipse was NOT a good time for crystals as eclipses carry a chaotic energy with them and as such they should not have been put out. THIS full moon IS a good time for crystals and they’ll be eager to bathe under the lunation having missed out on the last.

A few crystal suggestions to use on this moon or have around you are;
KUNZITE - a lovely feminine energy and healing
SMOKEY QUARTZ - stabilising and grounding
TOURMALINATED QUARTZ - protective and shielding
LABRADORITE - a great stone of vision for the 3rd eye
MOONSTONE - beautiful feminine energy to soothe and calm
RED JASPER - Grounding

Check them all out here - https://www.thekentcrystalcave.com/search?q=scorpio

Lastly, use this moon to release what no longer serves - it should, ideally, become a monthly habit to keep your soul energy clear for new stuff to come in - we can’t carry it all! There are various methods and journaling and boring are our favourites here at the cave - any excuse for a fire pit eh?!

Love & Crystal Light x
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