August Sturgeon Super  Moon

August Sturgeon Super Moon

August Sturgeon 'Super' Moon 
The next full moon is on 1 August at 7.31pm in the UK, and is sometimes known as a 'Sturgeon Moon'. The next full moon will also be a supermoon - the 2nd of four in a row and is likely to appear larger than normal in the night sky. 
August’s full Moon is traditionally called the Sturgeon Moon because the giant sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most readily caught during this period. It's also been called the green corn moon, the grain moon, and the red moon for the reddish hue it often takes on in the summer haze. 
Also of note is the fact there will be a 2nd full moon on the 31st August making it a "Once in a Blue Moon" event! 
When is the next blue moon?  
The next blue moon takes place on 31 August 2023. As this Moon is also a supermoon, it will be a 'Super Blue Moon'.
Future blue moon dates for your calendar: 
2023 - 31 August 
2026 - 31 May  
2028 - 31 December 
Full Moon in Aquarius - so what's in store? 
Aquarius ♒ being an air symbol may leave people feeling a bit weightless or ungrounded. There's been a funk energy around the last few months and the supermoon is going to exacerbate the effects of it, although for some it may push you out of it and off the fence of indecisiveness.
We are all resilient in our own way - just like the Sturgeon who can survive over 100 years and has been around for millions more. They have learnt to adapt and persevere just as we can too. Did you make any big plans or ambitions this time last year? Now is the time to reflect upon those and use the power of the supermoon to give you a final push before the nights really begin to draw in. The weather is looking more settled in August too (at the time of writing this)
If you've gone off track, it's OK. The universe has your back and know that you're exactly where you need to be at this moment in time for the greater good of yourself and everyone surrounding you.
Reflect upon your ambitions and goals so far and remember that progress, no matter how small is always progress in the right direction. 
Have faith that the universe has your back and is supporting you in your manifestations and intentions coming to fruition. 🙇‍♂️ 
This Saturn-ruled sign’s primary goal is all about expressing originality - individual thoughts and ideas, despite how unpopular they may be (and who may not agree). This lunation will place emphasis on every sign’s desire to distinguish themselves from the views of the collective, and instead, establish a unique sense of individuality that may not always be well-received. As Venus is currently retrograde, now couldn’t be a better time to remove any filters, or masks you may be wearing that have been diluting or hiding your truest, most authentic way of expressing yourself.
Remember that being your authentic self is not always going to be well received by all, however that is where our personal and individual power lies - our unique and individual self! 🙏 
The power of a supermoon is always a good time to make the extra effort to get your crystals out and give them a good dose of Moonlight (don't worry they don't have to be in direct line of sight) and give them a much welcomed boost of🌜Lunar Energy🌛 
If anyone is releasing under this Aquarian Moon - we recommend Selenite, Clear Quartz, Rhodonite, Garnet, Lepidolite, Amethyst and Angelite. Hematite will also help you to stay grounded 🌌
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