December 'Cold' Full Moon

December 'Cold' Full Moon

The next full moon is on Thursday 8 December at 4.08am in the UK. This is sometimes known as a 'Cold Moon',or 'Long Night Moon' signifying the change in temperature and the long nights close to Winter Solistice.  This is the last full Moon of 2022 so a great one to work with to release anything that no longer serves you and needs to be left behind as we near the end of 2022. 

Ps... It's also been 50 years since humans last set foot on the Moon as part of the Apollo 17 mission on December the 19th 1972 #funfact

This full moon in Gemini offers the opportunity to look at all options available to us and enables us to see the duality of situations.  Do you feel pulled between your head and your heart? Look within and see where you can bridge this gap.  This is classic Gemini twin/duality energy. Although a duality energy, we need both fun and seriousness, playfulness and hard work, feminine and masculine energy, ying and yang balance.  Gemini is a communicative sign so anything that you have been holding back expressing, now is the time.  With the lighthearted, social side of Gemini energy taking you into this celebratory season, things should start to feel lighter again if they have been feeling heavy lately. 

We should really pay extra special attention to what we need to release being as it's the last full Moon of 2022. Take your time; really think about what you need to leave behind this year. Make the most of this last full moon to release all that that no longer serves you or is holding you back.  Use the Gemini energy to help bridge the gaps between letting go and holding on, this energy will help you to think logically to enable you to let go emotionally; if that is something you need to do.

This full moon is the last chance we have to really push forward and get what we want as 2022 comes to an end and Winter Solstice draws near bringing with it a quiet time of hibernation and regrouping.  This full moon in Gemini should make balancing energies that have been out of balance easier, use the light heartedness of Gemini energy to step outside of anything that is heavy and weighing you down and use it to gain perspective to see where you can add more of a positive balance back again. 

 And remember.. use the full moon energy to charge your crystals or any other divination tools you use by placing them in a window to bathe in the moonlight. 

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