February Full Moon - Snow Moon

February Full Moon - Snow Moon

February Full Moon - Snow Moon

This last full moon of the winter season lands on Saturday 24th at 1230pm so it’s best to see it the night before and the eve of. It’s also a micro moon - meaning that it will appear slightly smaller in the sky and won't shine quite as brightly as other full moons throughout the year

The snow moon is called so because of the typically cold and snowy weather in America where the almanac was derived.

The full moon lands in Virgo - an organised and critical sign so if you’ve got plans that you’re making - use the power of this moon to assist.

With the Spring Equinox around the corner, now's the time to heal your old wounds before you're reborn again in the Spring. During this time, we start to move past the goal-setting stage and into the realistic planning stages. How are you going to make your intentions come to fruition? Direct your magical intentions on rituals this month focused on new habits, goals, and plans for the future.
If you’ve said you’re going to do something, then this is a moon where you must!

During the full moon in Virgo, Chiron will form a conjunction with the North Node of Destiny in Aries, challenging you to break free from repeating cycles - this is a must for personal growth!
Although neither of these celestial bodies are major planets in astrology, their alliance will open a portal in your third eye. The North Node represents our soul's purpose and karmic destiny, while Chiron indicates our deepest inner wounds. When these two elements come together, it will bring changes on an energetic and subconscious level rather than in the physical world. So, it's a good time to transform your optimism into an opportunity for yourself; release what no longer serves your highest good!

The chances are, February’s astrology will stir up some of your darkest desires and fears thanks to Pluto in Aquarius forming planetary connections back in March last year which it hasn’t made since the 1700s

Full moons are often emotional times of the month - the moon is the goddess of our emotions and as such can often bring them to the surface even those that were not processed when they were first felt. Now is an opportunity to sit with these feelings and know that you don’t have to be perfect to be loved. Life doesn’t need to be perfect, and, most importantly, you don’t need to make the perfect decision every time. You also don’t need to regret past decisions or make yourself suffer because of things you could not possibly have known.

Find ways to release your emotion junk - journal, spells, crystals, rituals, meditation, fire… the list goes on. We can only store so much “stuff” and it’s good to have a de-clutter once a month to allow the space for new stuff to come in.

Remember to put your crystals out for a full moon bath, make moon water too if you like to do it or have never tried it and if you can’t get the crystals out - place them on or near selenite.

Crystal suggestions for this full moon; Amazonite, Flower Agate, Snowflake Obsidian, Spirit Quartz and Vera Cruz Amethyst.
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