First New Moon January 2024

First New Moon January 2024

11th January 2024 - First New Moon of the New Year!
We write a blog post for every full moon so we thought it was about time we talked about the new moon and what this means, and what better new moon to start with than the first one of the year! This new moon also happens to fall on 11th January, the date being ‘111’ meaning it’s a great time to start something new and start our journey on a new path.

111 is the number of alignment, normally if we see this from our angels or guides, it means we are on the right path and everything is aligning for us -  so use this new moon, on this symbolic date to get yourself into alignment with your goals as much as possible. In tarot, the major arcana card represented by 1 is the Magician, so much like the Magician card, now is the time to manifest and make magic happen!
So new moons, what are they good for?
Well, new moons are great for manifesting - they are the perfect time to set your intentions and get clear on what you want to make happen. Write down your intentions, create your vision boards, set up crystal grids and work those spells for attracting abundance and what you would like in your life!
When we started this year, Mercury was in retrograde so you may not have been able to focus as clearly on your goals and dreams as you may’ve liked, coupled with the expectation that there can be a certain ‘pressure’ to fall into the trap of “new year, new me” type energy.  Whilst that energy can be really useful in propelling us forward and giving us drive, if you just weren’t feeling it on the 1st January, then using the new moon would be a great opportunity to get clear on how you would like the next month, or year, to look for you.  Mars has also just entered Capricorn (today, 4th January) for the next couple of months. Mars' masculine energy, combined with the earthly, grounded, steady and determined Capricorn energy is just what we need for a new year and goal setting.  The new moon happens to fall in Capricorn too so this really is a perfect time astrologically for setting goals and following them through in a methodical, grounded and consistent way.  Think passion, drive and quiet, steady determination with Mars in Capricorn and the New Moon also in Capricorn!
When we talk about manifesting with the new moon there are many ways you can do this, and we are sure you are aware of a few ways already. One of the popular ways we find really powerful, and personally like to work with on the new moon, is to write down our intentions. This can be as simple as a one line affirmation affirming what we are attracting to us; a few examples are things such as: ‘I am happy, healthy and wealthy’, ‘I am loving and worthy of love’, ‘My business continues to grow and succeed’, ‘My family is healthy and happy’.  You can be as specific or general as you like, remember this is your manifestation! You can also write a list or even write a letter to the universe with what you desire.  Remember, when writing or talking about your manifestation goals, you need to write them as though they have already happened.  In this way, we align ourselves with the energy of already having our desires, rather than writing in terms of ‘I would like x, y, z’ as this creates a lack; we are focusing energy on what we don’t have and would like, rather than speaking ‘as if’ it already exists and is ours.
What next?

Once you have written down your intentions it’s a good idea to select crystals that match the energy you are trying to create i.e. Rose Quartz for love, Citrine for abundance, Kyanite for communication, Tourmaline for protection etc. Popular crystals to manifest with, especially for abundance in any form are Citrine, Jade, Pyrite & Moss Agate.  We have an abundance pack of crystals available here:

If you have written your manifestations down - fold your manifestation up towards you because you are manifesting and attracting it to you, you would fold away from you if you are releasing; and then place your selected crystals on top of your written manifestation. Make sure you leave this somewhere where you will see it daily and you can spend some time visualising your manifestations and taking some time to really *feel* into the energy of what you are attracting to you… daydreaming with a kick!  
Crystal grids are also a very powerful and a great way of manifesting.  Select a point such as clear quartz and place this on top of your writing, then place crystals that match your manifestations around the point to add power.  You can link them with small, clear quartz points/needles or DT’s We sell all these too.  The longer a grid is left in place, the more the crystals will start to vibrate with each other and their energy builds to aid your manifestation(s).  We also have selenite charger plates with Metatrons Cube on which you can use to set up a grid, these are great for beginners as they set out the grid for you and you just place the point in the middle and six crystals around the edge (as provided in the abundance pack mentioned above).  If you would like to learn more about crystal grids please do let us know and we will arrange another workshop date for our Level 2 Working with Crystals Course.  
As we mentioned at the beginning of this blog, we talk about the full moon each month and remind you that it is a powerful time for releasing that which no longer serves you, now you can see that you can use the new moon to attract what you would like into your life.  We can work with the whole cycle of the moon each month.  So on the full moon we release, then as the moon wanes we can turn our thoughts to what we would like to create, start to get clear on our ideals and goals, then when the new moon arrives ten or so days after the full moon’s energy has dissipated, we can use this to manifest and get going again! Then as the moon waxes over the next ten days or so we can build upon our ideas and refine them then use the full moon energy to charge our crystals, release that which no longer serves and this then leaves room energetically to manifest under the new moon… and so on!
So if you feel like you missed 1st January to start your new years resolutions, how about using the new moon on 11th January? Or if you did set some New Years resolutions on 1st January, then use the new moon to give them a boost!
As you can see, if you start living in cycle with the moon, we actually don’t need to wait for 1st January to start our year off and set goals: as we have said above, you can work with the moon and therefore create mini new years resolutions that are more manageable and reflect upon your progress as you go; use the new moon once a month to set your goals, and the full moon to re-evaluate and release what’s no longer working.  If you don’t already do this, why not try it and see how you go? 

For more information on manifesting, we have an easy to use guide available here.

Good luck with your manifesting!  May 2024 bring you all that you wish for and more. 

Paddy and Laura xx

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