Full Moon - Summer Solstice June 22nd - Strawberry Moon

Full Moon - Summer Solstice June 22nd - Strawberry Moon

Full Moon - Summer Solstice June 22nd - Strawberry Moon

02:08 AM

This month’s moon got its name from the Native American tribes who associated it with the strawberry harvesting season

This month’s full moon lands right on top of the summer solstice - the longest day and shortest night of the year and marks a significant point in any manifestation and goal setting. It falls within the Cancer Season and is a time to mark the occasion of how far you have come - celebrate it!

It’s easy to set goals in January when the year restarts anew but sometimes it’s hard to keep up with those goals. The sixth full moon of the year makes a great half year resolution point where you can be honest with where you are and what you’ve accomplished. Use it as a time to restart goals that have fallen off, reevaluate goals that aren’t working for you and find new ones that are better aligned with your year and yourself and as always with a full moon - time to release what no longer serves. Keep your energy clear and free to allow new stuff to come in!

This full moon falls in Capricorn - so it’s time to find balance between your personal life and the goals you want to achieve. Us Capricorns (Paddy is a Cap) are grafters and very work driven - so for me definitely it’s a time for reflection! Summer success is available to you - remember - however high you set your goals; imagine a staircase - you can only see the next step by taking one. Small steps will get you far and always appreciate and reflect upon your progress.

Some good crystals to use on this full moon are;

Smokey Quartz, Shamanite, Black Tourmaline, Malachite & Fluorite

Check out the selection here - https://www.thekentcrystalcave.com/search?options%5Bprefix%5D=last&page=1&q=capricorn

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