January Full Moon - Wolf Moon

January Full Moon - Wolf Moon

January Full Moon - Wolf Moon

Thursday 25th at 5:54 pm

January's full moon is named after the howling of hungry wolves lamenting the scarcity of food in midwinter. Other names for this month's full moon include old moon and ice moon.

This full moon lands in Leo - a fiery lion energy - so be wary of heightened emotions and others too! We are also just entering Aquarius season - so the airy energy of Aquarians mixed with fiery Leo means we need to stay grounded - take a beat if you feel yourself getting stressed or wound up over minor things - it’s not worth the time or energy.

We are not that much different from light or sound, as we consist of waves vibrating at different levels and as a result this full moon is likely to stir up a lot, but we must feel the energy, recognise it and work through it.

We always joke that January has the longest payday after the festive season and more often than not we get to the end of the month and feel rather drained - this moon is a good one to celebrate that fact and releasing all the emotions to go with it.

When working with the vibrations of Leo, we come up against the ego, which is Leo’s shadow, the ego is the part of us that yearns to be defined by something - how we identify ourselves, including the conditioned patterns we have formed about who we are in this life, sometimes defined by previous lives too which is where we must break ancestral patterns if we are to evolve as souls and energies.

The ego’s fuel is fear, and it can often lead us down dark paths of needing constant validation and approval of what we express to the world. The ego’s role should be to motivate us, remind us of our purpose when needed, and help us function in society - but it should not lead our lives.

The more positive side of Leo is that of seeking joy and having fun - we should do the same. Use the Aquarian forward thinking energy, mixed with Leo’s outgoing and motivated side to make some plans for this year - book a holiday perhaps? Be sociable, go out and have fun. Perhaps you’ve put off meeting a friend or two - pick up the phone and go see them or just catch up over the phone.

Good crystals to work with on this moon are Tigers eye, Cinnabarite, Rhodochrosite, Petalite, Labradorite, Mookaite, Citrine and as always - Clear Quartz!

Don’t forget to use this full moon energy to cleanse or recharge your crystals and release what no longer serves you by writing it down then burning it or burying it on the earth - it’s a very good method to rid our energies of unwanted clutter.

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