March Full Moon - Worm Moon

March Full Moon - Worm Moon

Full Moon in March: Worm Moon

Native Americans called this last full moon of winter the worm moon after the worm trails that would appear in the newly thawed ground. Other names include chaste moon, death moon, crust moon and sap moon, after the tapping of the maple trees.

The next full moon is on Monday 25 January at 7am.

As the worms wiggle their way through the dirt to the surface, leaving their unmistakable casts on lawns and gardens, they signal a new season of growth and abundance; an ancient reminder of a distant past that today serves as an indisputable sign of the changing time. 

The worm moon typically occurs during March or April, when nature is beginning to come alive again following the cold winter months. 

Symbolically, the full worm moon marks a time of new beginnings and a transformation from dormancy into regeneration.

Like them, we've often spent the winter hibernating away (in general) and as the days grow longer, become brighter earlier and also warming up - we begin to get more zest for life and look forward to longer, warmer summer evenings.

It provides us with a chance for fresh starts and new beginnings, offering hope for what’s ahead. The worm moon is a reminder that we have the power within ourselves to start over and pursue our dreams no matter where we are in life.

This full moon is a Lunar Eclipse - so on a crystal note it is NOT advisable to put your crystals out as the energy in an eclipse is that of a chaotic one and can essentially “scramble’ the crystal’s energy - like a virus in a computer. There are other ways to cleanse and recharge our crystals, so don’t worry.

This full moon lands in a Libra, which casts light on all that needs to be resolved or transformed within ourselves to attract what we need in order to move forward.

Look at repeating cycles, patterns or circumstances - ask why they keep happening? Are you stuck in a comfort zone? Are you putting boundaries upon yourself and maybe self limiting beliefs?

Libra, the sign of scales - is urging us to bring about balance and harmony under this full moon, particularly in our personal relationships - with loved ones and colleagues alike. Remember that relationships are also about us, ourselves, our relationship with SELF.

The eclipse energy may send you a bit off kilter, so remember with Libra - it's all about balance. Be aware. If anything that comes up over the next few days that throws you off balance, sit on it, wait it out; don't act impulsively - wait until the full moon has passed and see if you still feel the same.

On the crystals front - we recommend Sapphire, Kambaba stone, Rose Quartz,  Lepidolite, Bloodstone, Sunstone and Citrine.

Remember, the full moon is great time to release any emotional and spiritual baggage…

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