May Flower Full Moon

May Flower Full Moon

This full Moon in Sagittarius takes place on Thursday 23rd May at 1:53pm UK Time. So, weather permitting you'll see about 99.5% full brightness the night before and on Thursday too.
It's called the Flower Moon by many cultures owing to the abundant blooming that occurs as spring gets going properly. Other names include the hare moon, the corn planting moon, and the milk moon.
This moon is a time to acknowledge where you’re making fear-based decisions. It’s a time to become aware of routines and ruts that you’ve formed to cling to the familiar. It’s also a time to face your fears of the unknown and take leaps of faith that help you grow.
Sagittarius is the eternal student of the zodiac, forever wandering the globe in search of new knowledge and perspectives. This energy compels us to be curious and leave our comfort zones. It encourages us to open our minds to new perspectives and experiences. It also asks us to take the road less traveled. The energy of Sagittarius is not concerned with the familiar. It craves newness from every angle.
Sagittarius compels us to take leaps of faith, trusting that the best will unfold. This energy helps us focus on the good and, in that attention, cultivate more positive vibrations throughout life. This energy dares us to take a chance, even if we don’t know the outcome.
During this full Moon in Sagittarius, remind yourself that the Universe is always looking out for you. Ask yourself how you can shake things up a little. Step out of your comfort zone and align with the energy of hope to heal the part of yourself scared of the unknown.
Fear is an interesting emotion. It serves us well during crucial times of our lives but also blocks our growth when it governs all of our decisions. When feeling fear, ask yourself if it is really warranted? Is there a genuine threat to your well-being, or is fear misplaced? What fear is essential to keep you safe, and what fear is blocking your growth or preventing you from following your intuition?
The full Moon in Sagittarius has the power to help you understand which fears need to stay and which ones should go. It also opens up the door to believing the best can happen. We spend much of our time “what if-ing” ourselves and envisioning the worst-case scenario. This catastrophic thinking only serves to block our ability to manifest and recognize best-case scenarios. Worrying about the future does not help you in any way. It may feel like you are preparing for different scenarios or controlling outcomes, but really you are just depleting your energy.
Release what no longer serves, rid yourself of that unnecessary emotional, spiritual or mental baggage and set yourself free to allow the good stuff to come in!!
Some good crystals to use on this moon are;
Septarian - Brings a sense of realisation and promotes change
Smokey Quartz - Grounding and Protective
Black Obsidian - Protective, swallows up negativity
Blue Topaz - Promotes truth and forgiveness
Sodalite - Promotes logic, intuition and opens spiritual perception
Labradorite - A stone of courage and transformation. Stops your mind wandering between thoughts. Great for bad moods and motivation
Opalite - A great crystal for new beginnings
Charoite - Good for intuition, moving forward and seeing opportunities
Check them all out here...
Don't forget to charge your crystals too!
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