November Beaver 🦫 Moon

November Beaver 🦫 Moon

November: Beaver Moon

Some say the name comes from Native Americans setting beaver traps during this month, while others say the name comes from the intense activity of beavers building their winter dams...

As the chilly air of late fog descends, animals begin to prepare their dens for the deep freeze of winter, including our furry friends - Beavers 🦫

Beavers can be seen along the banks of rivers and streams, collecting wood to shore up their lodges and dams before the ice sets in. This was also the time Native American tribes and later European settlers set beaver traps to ensure a supply of warm furs for winter.

This moon is most commonly known as the Beaver Moon in honor of these industrious semi-aquatic animals and because November also signals the time when bitter hard frost’s become more frequent, this month’s Moon is also sometimes referred to as the Frost Moon.

8 November (11.02am) (GMT) is when the moon will be at Peak here in the UK 🇬🇧

This is the longest lunar eclipse for a while (until 2025 actually) - 84 minutes and 58 seconds!

A lunar eclipse is when the Moon lies within the shadow of the earth, so all three are lined up nicely; the Sun, Earth and then the moon.

This is known as a Syzygy, a Greek dervied terminology from συζυγία (suzugía)'union, yoke') which means when 3 celestial bodies are roughly in alignment in a gravitational system. (Our universe)

The reddish color of a totally eclipsed Moon is caused by Earth completely blocking direct sunlight from reaching the Moon, with the only light reflected from the moon has been refracted by Earth's atmosphere. This light appears reddish for the same reason that a sunset or sunrise does: the Rayleigh scattering of blue light.

We will not see this eclipse here in the UK.

What does this mean for us on a spiritual level?

This eclipse is a Taurus Full Moon Eclipse, Sun still in Scorpio, so this will push you on your way to your goals. As I've said above, eclipses generally bring stuff to the surface so this will enable you to let go of anything that is weighing you down or preventing your progress forward to what is ultimately meant for you.

Taurus is a very grounded sign and Scorpio is a passionate, ambitious and goal driven sign, so this moon will bring some of us back down to ground and propel us in the right direction.

All full Moons are a good time to release what no longer serves us, but this one is super charged with the right zodiac signs for the perfect alchemy to get us where we need to be.

As this is an Eclipse, it's not a time to charge or cleanse your crystals under the Moon’s energy. This is because eclipse energy is all over the place and very intense. It is a chaotic energy that brings stuff to the surface, so it's also not a time to be manifesting and making grand plans but is still a good time to do releasing.

Remember that releasing what no longer serves us is an essential part of our growth and retaining a higher vibration so that we can be true to ourselves and do what is meant for our highest good.

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