November Full Moon - Beaver Moon

November Full Moon - Beaver Moon

November: Beaver Moon

There is disagreement over the origin of November's beaver moon name. Some say it comes from Native Americans setting beaver traps during this month, while others say the name comes from the heavy activity of beavers building their winter dams. Another name is the frost moon.

Either way, we are fully set for the cold months ahead and we are encouraged to gear our mindset to be so.
For those of us that live in line with the seasons - we have already prepared ahead for the colder months and are set about to cosy up in-front of the log fire, cook winter stews, draw the curtains earlier and snuggle the day away on the sofa.

The Beaver Moon is set to peak in the UK on Monday 27 November at 09.16am in the UK. Don’t worry, if the forecast clouds hide it then you can still see it the night before and also on the night of - and still feel its energy!

The full moon falls in Gemini - the communicative twins. As always, the full moon is a great time to release what no longer serves our highest good. If you can - sit outside and bathe under the full moon energy and you will literally feel it soak into you like the sun on a beach!

In this moon we are expected to analyse where we may have put a little too much energy - do you feel drained and or overwhelmed, anxious, or perhaps guarded? If so that’s because the last month or so you may have allocated too much energy to people, a project or overthinking a situation that didn’t quite deserve so much of your time.

If you feel that way - perhaps look at some ways to call your energy back to you (yes, it’s a thing and we’ll cover that some time in the future but for now there’s plenty out there on the web about how to do it).

Remember that energy is an exchange, a currency, treat it like you would money - so if you feel like not opening your wallet to someone or something - then be the same with your time and energy, it’s OK and is a requirement to one’s spiritual well being.

The Gemini full moon will help us release doubts and step in to our power - kinda perfect for the new year ahead when we’re making plans and how we want to proceed in 2024!

If you’ve got crystals - then it’s a great time to charge them up and give those magic gems a boost! If you’ve got a Selenite Bowl - make that a priority to give that a super charged top-up so you can power up all your other crystals from it!

This month we recommend Blue Lace Agate - a Gemini crystal that’s great for the throat chakra, very powerful and also calming allowing you to communicate your messages with steadiness and grace. We know that in the lead up to Christmas, people often want to settle feuds and arguments as it is a time of forgiveness but often struggle to do so, and so this is a great crystal to help (and it’s so pretty!)

White howlite is another one (also good if you want some help sleeping)

Another communicative crystal is Kyanite - oooooh so lovely. Another throat chakra!

Feeling like a lift or some abundance? Then how about some Citrine, aka the Merchant stone? Beautiful yellow hues of happiness!!

If you’re after something a bit more spiritual then we’ve got some Celestite - gorgeous blue hues that resonate with the brow and crown chakras!

We always say that full moons are a good time to release ones emotional, spiritual and mental baggage. In order for new stuff or things to come in to our life, we need to make room for it - so that means get rid of old cargo that is weighing us down or we no longer need! Not only do we feel better for it but it really does do us the world of good.

Everyone practices their release in their own way; we love a fire so we often set alight to our notes after we’ve written them down.

If you put your crystals outside to charge - don’t forget to cover them up, especially as some don't like the damp overnight, or if you have them inside - they don’t necessarily have to be on the window sill, but it’s the ideal place for them. Don’t worry if you can’t - we have a guide on the website to help you out.

Enjoy the full moon vibes - get out if you can ad have a gaze - it’s feeling like no other! :-)
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