October Full Moon - Hunter's Moon

October Full Moon - Hunter's Moon

October Full Moon; Hunter’s Moon

In the UK we will see and feel the intense energy of the Hunter’s Moon on Sunday 9 October at 9:55pm ( this time is for the full Moon at the Royal Observatory home in London, either in GMT or BST depending on the time of year)

After the harvest moon comes the hunter's moon, it’s the preferred month to hunt summer-fattened deer and fox unable to hide in bare fields. Like the harvest moon, the hunter's moon is also particularly bright and long in the sky, giving hunters the opportunity to stalk prey at night. Other names include the travel moon and the dying grass moon.

Initially when this moon rises, because of the position against the horizon and the rayleigh scattering effect - the moon will be vivid with colour and appear larger, this will only last about 15 minutes or so.

This is the first full moon in the 3rd quarter of 2022, a sign of preparing for winter months and nights drawing in even more. We all start to think of Pumpkins, hot chocolate, log fires and wood burners being lit for the first time of the season. Most of us have started to get out the thicker jumpers, packed away the shorts and starting to generally feel that “cosy vibe” of Autumn.

What does this moon mean on a more energetic level for us all?

This moon is a time of decisive action!

Aries being the first sign of the zodiac indicates inspiration, independence, new ideas and, being a fire sign; passion. Whilst full moons usually signify endings and a time to release what no longer serves us, under this fiery Aries moon we may feel more compelled to take action rather than sitting back and reflecting. This energy may also be felt on a more personal level than normal due to Chiron, the wounded healer, being in retrograde.  Chiron was once thought of as an asteroid but is now considered as a minor planet in astrological energy terms. This may a time where we recognise our wounds but be mindful not to use the fiery Aries energy to lash out in anger, instead lean into the more soothing retrograde Chiron energy to heal.  This may be something we need to do independently, for ourselves, under Aires energy.  

Aires being the first sign of the zodiac can sometimes be considered as not fully matured and rather impulsive so make sure you take time to review any sudden flashes of inspiration you may feel and ensure you have considered your actions before moving forwards.  The sun being in the balanced sign of Libra should help to slow down any rash decisions and give us time to consider our actions before proceeding.

All in all, this full moon is about balancing fiery, independent energy and assessing our emotional wounds that need healing.  Under this full moon, with Chiron in retrograde supporting us, this is a good time for releasing wounds enabling us to move forwards with passion again.

As with all full moons - it’s a great time to connect to the energy of the full moon and release what no longer serves us. Everyone does it differently - burning letters, moon water, bay leaf burning, sage rituals, crystal rituals and so on. Either way the full moon’s energy is best utilised to release and the more we do it - the more we become in tune with the cycles of releasing.

For us crystal lovers; this is one of the best times to put our crystals out under the moon light (doesn’t have to be direct - it’s energy is still there and will still work) so on a window sill etc to recharge them. Remember, some crystals don’t like the damp air and moisture - so check them out and if need be, place them in a pyrex bowl with a lid (or similar such as some cling film) to keep the moisture out.

All of our crystals get tired like we do when we work 7 days a week and they need some time to recharge and boost. Don’t forget to sit and chill with them every so often too - your intentions are being set or boosted all the time!

Enjoy your full moon release - trust us, it’s one of the most wonderful things we can do for ourselves spiritually!

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