September Harvest Full Moon

September Harvest Full Moon

The next full moon is on Wednesday 18th at 3.34 AM.
It's known as the Harvest moon and is so called because this is when crops are gathered at the end of the summer season. At this time, the Moon appears particularly bright and rises early, letting farmers continue harvesting into the night. This moon is also sometimes named the barley moon, and it is often the nearest full moon to the autumnal equinox, earning the title of 'harvest moon'.
This moon is a powerful one in the sense that it's very close to Autumnal Equinox which is Sunday 22 September 1.43 PM. We will do a separate post on that later this week... it's time to hibernate so make sure you read it 👍
🌕 So this full moon lands in Pisces ♓️ and we will have a partial eclipse. It's time to have a think about what thoughts might be driving you mad. What's bugging you? What keeps going around in your head? As we lead up to the Autumnal Equinox, this is the time where naturally we begin to hibernate and reflect, we start to slow down and look back at out achievements and or our lessons.
It's quite an emotional moon for some because we're on the cusp of the odd evening being warm where we long to still be out (maybe with a cheeky fire pit), soaking up the last of the summer we've had, and it begins to get damp of an evening. It really is a turning point and you should listen to your soul... yes it's OK to reflect, yes it's OK to reminisce, yes it's OK to start winding your mind down ready for the winter and that does include Christmas 🎄 because we all know someone that says "'ll soon be Christmas you know...!" 
The North and South Nodes are about to enter Pisces and Virgo for the first time in nearly 20 years, making September's North Node lunar eclipse the first in Pisces since 2007. As a result, the events surrounding this eclipse could bring significant emotional and spiritual changes, marking the beginning of a whole new chapter in your life.
Crystals; as its getting damp now of a night, if you do want to leave your crystals outside, use something like a lidded Pyrex dish or bowl. They don't need to sit under directly in line of the moon as the energy will be felt anyway.
Some good crystals for this moon are - Merlinite, Kambaba Jasper, Amethyst, Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Kyanite, Amazonite, Turquoise, Shaman Dream Stones, Preseli Blue Stone (stone henge stone) & Fluorite 🌕 💫 
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