September Super Harvest Moon will peak on Friday 29 September 2023 at 10:57 AM.
The Autumnal Equinox, which results in nearly an equal amount of daylight and darkness at all latitudes, signals the astronomical turning of seasons — meaning cooling temperatures are finally on the way after our summer.
September's full corn moon is so called because this is when crops are gathered at the end of the summer season. This moon is also sometimes named the barley moon, and it is often the nearest full moon to the autumnal equinox, earning the title of 'harvest moon’.
This particular moon's closeness to the autumnal equinox means that it is symbolic of new beginnings and a door to spiritual awareness. It’s time to slow down, watch some golden, orangey sunsets and absorb your achievements during the summer months gone by.
Full Moons help us release, but they also help us embrace the vibrations we want to carry.
As summer (what we’ve had of it!) melts away you may feel like your goals and desires have begun to as well, but fear not!
Aries, ruled by the fiery warrior planet of Mars, influences the upcoming full Moon and this energy encourages us to take action, fight for what we believe in, and overcome any obstacles in the way of our dreams. Take stock of the steps you’ve taken so far and know that no matter how small - you have made progress, trust that even if it feels like you haven’t.
Aries brings us courage and motivation. Feel these vibrations within this full Moon and let them assist you in letting go of habits, projects, and other energies that block you from aligning with the life of your soul path. Concentrate on the warrior spirit of Aries and decide what you are willing to fight for in your life - what battles are worth your energy? Are there things you’re fighting for but seem to get nowhere? Should you be focusing your efforts elsewhere, or narrow down your net to pinpoint your energy in less projects?
This full Moon is also a time to look at how you may be battling within yourself. Are you fighting your soul’s calling or are you ignoring it? Pay attention to if you find yourself doubting your personal power where once before you may not have…
If you’re frustrated at not being where you want to be, use this moon to transmute that frustration into motivation, to give you that boost; especially if you feel like you’ve lost all your mojo.
This is the time to quietly hibernate though the winter months building up momentum and energy whilst relaxing and taking stock of warmer cosy evenings by the fire, ready for spring to put all the ideas into motion.
Be selfish with your time if you need to - it’s not rude, it’s a requirement; as a lot of us all too often put too much time into others than ourselves and we suffer the ill health at the end of it.
This moon will remind you of your soul purpose in life - when we know what that is, we feel content. When we feel content - we feel joy and bliss, life comes and goes, it flows and we live very much in the present.
If you have an altar or somewhere special where you practice any rituals - then common colours for the Harvest Moon reflect the finery of autumn: browns, dark reds, burnt oranges, ambers and golds, dark greens, and other earthy tones.
Some crystal suggestions for the Harvest Moon are Citrine, Smokey quartz, Amber, Ruby, Tigers Eye, Aventurine, Garnet, Selenite and Clear Quartz. We have a massive range of selenite which is so in tune with the moon that it’s an absolute must have! Click here to see;
Owing to it being a super moon, the last of this year, this is a special time to get the crystals out to bathe them in the power of the goddess. You can use the moonlight to charge other items such as Runes and Tarot / Oracle Decks too.
If you’ve got any releasing to do, to make way for new manifestations then now is a great time to do so and also releasing old energies by way of cord cutting. If you feel that anyone is taking up too much of your energy you can do a cord cutting mantra to remove the energetic bond and doing so on a full moon is a bonus as you can ride the waves of its powers, especially on a supermoon!
Another great way to release is on a fire - write your stuff down and burn it away!
Keep an eye out for the brightness of the moon Friday morning - you will see it, but Thursday night and Friday night it will be very visible (subject to clouds)
Enjoy your supermoon weekend and have fun celebrating!