5D Living... what is it?

5D Living... what is it?

We have a crystal collection on the website called 5d... some of you may have heard the term 5d or 3d and wondered what it is, or may be why we have separate crystals for the 5d? Well, below is a short read on the different dimensions we all live within.


I have written this with the help and guidance of my angels today as I called upon them when I started to write this.... and once I started I couldn't stop!
There are said to be several dimensions of consciousness (some say 12) and the 1st dimension is that of fear, where ego feeds and thrives right up to 12 where love prevails, one has achieved "enlightenment" and life "Is".
Now for the majority of us mortal souls on earth we live on the 3d plane - the materialistic, money driven, day to day "life".
These dimensions are not actual places but rather they are states of consciousness. Here on Earth, we are all living life in either 3D, 4D, 5D or a combination of all three.
It's believed that the states of consciousness are an upward spiral to the ultimate and some souls, through practices of their own, involving substances can achieve higher states of consciousness.
It is most likely that majority of people on Earth are moving back and forth across two or three of these dimensional states of consciousness depending on where they are in their lives.
Even though we are all living on the same planet and are surrounded by the same world, our "perception" of it will be different depending on which state of consciousness we are choosing to see things at.
Remember that everyone responds to different things in different ways and it's how you "perceive" a situation, or what "angle" you're seeing things at which will inevitably define the outcome for you as the reveiver. The situation will be what it will; that won't change but those perceiving things from a 3D state are going to walk through life much differently to someone perceiving things from a 5D state.
** 3D Living **
3D consciousness is viewing things from a purely physical and materialistic state. You feel like an individual that is separate from others.
Life feels like “the survival of the fittest, work hard, play hard” and you may feel like you're identified by the way you look, the job you have, the car you drive and the people you surround yourself with. You may feel fearful about missing out or not having enough.
You may perceive things as being good or bad and life is a competition, that there is not enough for everyone and some people have to miss out becUse thats the way life is. Fulfilment is found in making money and social status.
When it comes to thoughts, yours have no power over your reality and what comes your way in life is simply a coincidence or that's just the way it is.
You rely on your five senses to move through the world, one day at a time (figuratively speaking)
There is a lot of joy in living life from the 3D state but pain and deeper emotions can be difficult to manage.
In a 3D state there is no desire to go within or to look at things from a deeper stand point. Life is played out by skimming the surface. There is no desire to dig deep or to understand the deeper meaning behind things or reasoning as to "why".
** 4D Living **
Many people believe that the 4th dimensional state acts like a “gateway” to the 5th. When living 4D, it is easy to travel back to a 3D state, however this jump in consciousness is much more difficult when you reach a 5D state because its as the saying goes... "you don't know what you've got til it's gone."
4D consciousness begins to awaken to the idea that we are all connected and that there is more to life than what meets the eye. We wonder. We dream and fantasise of idealistic living where everyone just gets on and ego starts to fade away.
We begin to realise or give effort to knowing that thoughts are powerful and can shift the way our reality is perceived.
Duality and the idea of "good and bad" knowing its a thing, is still experienced, but there is more compassion and understanding behind it. A deeper level of wanting to empathise is begun.
We begin to awaken to the importance of diet, meditation and leading a healthy lifestyle; what we put into our body becomes important and there is a desire to pay attention to how our actions affect the environment and those around us.
One of the more emotional feelings is that of sensing a strong desire to find your purpose and to follow your passions. You understand that life is meant to be enjoyed and that you are worthy to live the life of your dreams.
You perceive the world through 6 senses and your intuition starts to grow and expand. You seek a deeper meaning to life and you can start to see the synchronicity/magic of the Universe which pairs nicely in one becoming very much aware of manifestation and law of attraction. Once you become aware and start to "play with the universe" you'll find the 3D world less and less appealing. Your circles of colleagues and friends will start to change as you begin to align more with the growth path of the 5D.
** 5D Living **
Once you reach a 5D state of consciousness, it is very difficult to go back to a 3D state, because it is blissful and beautiful.
From this level of consciousness you begin to understand that we are all one and we are all connected. Life becomes an adventure of growth and there is no such thing as good or bad. There is a higher purpose for all things and every experience holds meaning. Everyone we meet is a teacher and some times the lesson is not always apparent at the time.
It's likely that you will sense stronger feelings of love and connectedness with others, the planet and even the galaxies around us. Love and compassion hold the crown, they sit there right at the top and there is a lack of judgement. You understand that everyone is just on their own journey. No one is more advanced than others; they just have their own purpose in life, their own soul contract with the universe and we all play our own small part in it - each and every one of us.
Everyone is considered to be equal and there is a yearning to live from a place of pure authenticity, to yourself and others. You understand that your purpose is to live your truth and to seek joy, not happiness.... JOY.
By the very definition it means "...the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation..."
From this state, you know that there is no competition and there is enough in the Universe for everyone. You will likely feel overwhelming emotions of love and compassion for life, Mother Earth (Gaia) and the stars. You'll find yourself gazing up at the night sky and feeling a sense of "home" because it's not just bricks and mortar that is home, it's this planet and we are all one. You may find yourself living in synchronicity with the moon and or the seasons more than not, living in alignment with Gaia.
Your intuition in 5D is extremely strong and you feel connected to angelic beings, realms and other spiritual energies. 
It is important to remember that these states of consciousness are not “better” or “worse” than the other. Every soul on this Earth has their own journey to walk and their own reasons for choosing which dimensional state to live from - afterall, everyone has free will despite what their soul mission is. For various reasons, it is necessary for some to remain in 3D and others to flit between 3 and 4D.
That being said, Gaia is on a massive vibrational shift and has been for some years now since about year 2000 and there are many of us that are transcending to the next level to create a more unified and higher state of consciousness as old ways and karmic patterns are being undone.
The even higher states of consciousness... 6,7,8,9,10,11 & 12....are often accessed after we have left our physical body, but can also be achieved via medicines or herbs and plants. We can also access these via dreams, astral travel and deep meditation. 
In these states of consciousness time is non linear, ie - it doesn't exist as we know it. (Parallel universes and so on). The feeling of being with "ONE" 
As we go higher to the 8,9,10 and beyond it's believed by some that we can travel back to our energy source and travel across different galaxies within our neverendeing and timeless universe; afterall, the universe is infinite ♾️ ✨️ 
Check out some of our 5D crystals in the collection here;
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