Angels - why are they around us and how do we connect to them? (Part 1)

Angels - why are they around us and how do we connect to them? (Part 1)

I thought I would do an introduction post on Angels today and in the next few days I will follow up with some more specific Archangels and information about them.

So firstly, we have all heard of Angels. We have seen them dipicated and heard them about them both in terms of religion and in a more general term in respect of people that do acts of kindness; we refer to them as an 'Angel'. Angels are understood to work closely with God. So how does this relate to us on our spiritual journey?

Well as part of our path, we believe in a 'higher' universal energy. On the 5D dimension we talk of ego death, universal love, divine timing (time is a 3D man made construct!) etc etc (that's another post for another time!). So this higher 5D dimension is ruled by a universal energy, this can be referred to in different terms - God, energy, spirit, universal power etc etc. They are all the same in the spirtual world - a higher power beyond our human construct.

The word Angel derives from a Greek word 'Angelos' which means messenger. Now that we are becoming more spiritually aware, we are all more aware that we have many guides that are with us and that we can call upon for help, the most common being spirit guides and angels. Yes, that's right, we really do have guides beyond the realm of our humanness that are with us guiding us and waiting for us to call them in so that they can assist us.

We all have free will, our guides cannot assist us unless we invite them in to do so. We have to be open to sensing them, hearing them and recognising the signs they are giving us. In order to do this we have to open ourselves up to them and invite them to assist us. Our free will means that we have to make our own choices and decisions so our angels cannot assist us unless we ask them to. Every single one of us has at least one guardian angel assigned to us. Remember, if you are reading this and feeling conflicted/offended/scornful of this, then it is triggering your own internal wounds. What are you so fearful of? Why is this a silly concept?

Let me assure you, we really do all have a guardian angel and it is as easy as sitting quietly, and talking to them to start to connect with them. You can talk out loud or in your mind. As you start to relax into it and start to introduce yourself, or invite your angel forward you will feel a growing peacefulness wash over you. You may feel a tingling sensation on the top of your head that may flow down over your shoulders, arms and your body; or you may feel them as a warm heat that spreads from your heart out throughout your body; or you may just experience that 'inner knowing' that they are there with you. There are many signs angels are with us, and one of them is when we notice our thoughts starting to change from negative to positive, we replace fear and doubt with love and courage.

Another sign angels are with us is white feathers. Have you ever been in a difficult situation or going through a challenging time and then started to notice feathers appearing? These are from your angels letting you know they are with you and can help you, if you invite them in. If you haven't noticed feathers, watch them start to appear once you connect with your angel. They love to give you signs that they are listening and hearing you.

Other signs are rainbows, bright flashes of white light, shimmering light in your peripheral vision, pennies on the floor, certain scents that catch your attention, repeating numbers, seeing the same number sequence repeatedly in different places. You may notice you keep hearing the same song/lyrics in random places and when you take notice of the lyrics they hold a meaning for you.

If you have noticed numbers take note of them and find out what they mean, there could well be a message in the number for you! (You can search the number online by typing in "angel number 123..' etc and you will find the message that resonates with you).

Angels are here to help us with our everyday life, difficult situations, finding answers, to tap into our intuition and so so much more! They want to see you happy and secure, enjoying life and they are more than happy to help guide you to achieving this and your goals and dreams. As mentioned, we each have our own personal guardian angel but higher up there are Archangels which each help in different, specific ways. I will go through these more in a few days time.

As mentioned, to begin connecting with your angel, it's as easy as starting to engage with them. Invite them forward. If you would like to meet your angel, you can do this in meditation. Sit comfortably, set the intention for meditation that you would like to invite your angel to reveal itself to you in whichever way it is happy to do so and you can ask them for their name. While you are in a meditative state pay attention to any images and colours that you see, you may see a very clear visual image of your angel or they may just show you colours and images that when you see them in your everyday life you will know your angel is near. The first name that pops into your head during this meditation, or if later in the day a random name pops into your head, or appears somewhere in front of you you will just *know* this is the name of your angel. In future it will make it easier for you to connect to your angel once you have this information as you will feel more personally connected.

Make it a daily practice to connect to your angels. Speak to them on waking, I personally love pulling oracle or tarot cards every morning as I invite my guides to share any information with me that I may need to know for the day ahead, and this seems a great way for me to connect and bring them in close to me at the start of the day. Maybe when you are travelling to work you can have a morning 'check in' with your angel, and last thing at night you can thank your angels for their guidance and help through the day and hand over to them any problems you may need some guidance with.

For me personally, when I first started connecting to my angels I kept seeing white feathers and the number '44' everywhere!! All the time, all times of the day. The most profound experience I have had with my angel was a few months after I connected with them, I had been going through a hard time and as I fell asleep one night there was the brightest, purest white light suddenly in the corner of my room, it was bright enough to startle me awake, but I didnt feel panicked, I felt peaceful. I then felt like I was being held and wrapped up in the most loving hug. I just felt so calm and at peace. I had a really good nights sleep, which was much needed when I hadn't been sleeping too well! They really will make their presence known once you start connecting with them and inviting them in.

Do you work with your angels already? Is this something you would like to explore more? Remember, they are always with us, it is up to us to invite them in and recognise the signs they show us 🙏✨👼💗


With love, 

Laura xx

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