Archangels... The Final Chapter ;)

Archangels... The Final Chapter ;)

So here we are, the final instalment of the Angel blog...

As I was proof reading this Paddy went into the kitchen to make us drinks and shouted me through as there were bubbles floating in the kitchen! You know those small ones we blew as children? That washing up liquid can form, there were two small ones in the kitchen! There is only us two in the house at the moment so no other rational explanation as to why they were there. As I went in, one went above Paddy's head and the other towards me :) Angels know when we are talking about them and love sending signs to us!! We both got goosebumps 🥰

So far we have talked about angels, why they are here, the fact we each have a guardian Angel and then we moved onto Archangels and how they can help us. We have already looked at Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Metatron and their specific roles. Now let's look at a few more that we can call upon to help and guide us...

Archangel Chamuel

Knowns as the Angel of Love.  He connects to our heart chakra and aids us in finding forgiveness, be it for ourselves and our actions, or to forgive others when we feel they have hurt us. He can help to move forward with a clear and balanced heart chakra and continue our lives from a place of love, rather than bitterness, regret and even hatred (not healthy emotions for us to hold onto!).  He helps in all relationship matters, you can call upon him to help soothe and heal relationships.  He will assist you in overcoming difficult situations, enabling you to find compassion and care.  When you call upon Archangel Chamuel you may see his pink light enveloping you, guiding you or feel it radiating out from your heart chakra.  If you need assistance with emotional healing, call upon him and visualise his pink light entering your heart and expanding outwards. 


Archangel Uriel

Known as the Angel of Light, he brings joy, happiness and positivity.  He connects to your solar plexus chakra, our power centre, and will help you to find confidence and overcome any darkness that you may be experiencing.  He can assist you to find your path and solutions to problems when you are not sure which way to go, or of the way forward. He will aid you in listening to your intuition and following it; so if you are feeling unsure what your intuition, or that gut feeling, is telling you call upon Archangel Uriel and ask him to help you to listen and understand.  You can also call upon him to help you with tests and exams, to find your confidence to share your talents with the world and he also understands the difficulties of running a business so will help you to keep your mind focused and find your vision and inspiration with all of these matters.  Archangel Uriel loves to shine his bright, vivid, red light onto situations.  He reminds me of passion and that is exactly how he wants to help you! He wants you to find your creativity and spark and be happy.


Archangel Raziel

Known as the Angel of Mysteries, he knows the secrets of the universe!  He is the angel of wisdom and knowledge and will help you to understand the world around you. Connecting to your third eye, Archangel Raziel loves to assist us on our spiritual journeys and with discovering more about spirituality and the deeper wisdom that is available to us on this higher vibration. He can help develop your psychic abilities, call upon him to assist you with your third eye and you will see his deep indigo colour entering and expanding through this chakra and your brow. You may notice indigo in your aura when he is with you and assisting you.  Due to his ability to see the wisdom of the universe, and that he is able to assist us with our physic abilities he is also able to help us with manifestations and the law of attraction.  He can work with us and guide us to seeing what is available to us and what opportunities we may be able to attract into our physical realm. 


Archangel Sandalphon

Known as the Archangel of Music. One of only two archangels believed to have had a human existence before becoming an angel, he is said to have been Archangel Metatron's twin when they were both on earth.  Known to have quite a presence, his happy and upbeat nature means that he can heal through music and has a strong affinity to musicians and artists.  Due to the fact he lived on earth, he has a strong understanding of nature and mother earth so you may feel his presence more clearly when out in nature; or you can connect to him through music. He will help us to see the beauty in the world and nature, he wants to help you manifest your desires and also has a very nurturing presence so will help you with new projects. He is also understood to be a protector of unborn babies and so expecting parents may wish to call on him to help through their pregnancy. You will feel Archangel Sandalphn's presence either through music or music symbols or you may recognise him through his colours of turquoise and white. 


And that brings us to the end of the Archangels for now...  As you can see, they all work in different, but sometimes overlapping areas, so call on whichever angel you feel drawn to, or leave your request open for them to choose who will help you. 

I have included the colours that represent each of the Archangels as this can be a really great way of both connecting with them, and also recognising when they are with you.  You can use their individual colours to connect with them either by visualising their colour in your aura or chakras, or you can light a coloured candle that corresponds to them while you meditate or pray to talk to them, hold crystals that match their colours (or more specific crystals to aid angel connection - please see our pack - click here).  Get to know each Archangel and what they represent and you will find ways of connecting with them more easily, i.e. Archangel Michael uses his sword for protection, so maybe consider getting a selenite knife or a ceremonial dagger that would represent him and hold this when you connect to him. 

Once you get the hang of speaking and calling in your angels you will wonder how you ever managed before! You can use divination tools to help you to connect to them and develop daily practices or rituals to use whenever you feel drawn to do so.  You can use items such as a pendulum, tarot or oracle cards, journaling, meditation, visualisation and many other ways; you will know what you feel drawn to and what feels natural for you. I personally love my tarot and oracle cards and sit each morning with a deck or two to pull cards.  The whole ritual of getting my cards out, sitting down, slowing my breathing and starting to connect in my mind to my angels and spirit guides I find so so calming! Often it is not the card and message I receive, but the fact of taking these few minutes in the morning to ground myself, connect back to spirit and the Universe, that sets me up for the day ahead. I will often receive a message while I am shuffling cards so when a card falls out or I feel drawn to stop shuffling and read a card, the message becomes validated and crystal clear. I often laugh when a card I pull literally gives the message of what I was just thinking about! Try it... once you become connected in this way (it can take time and a while to learn), you will find yourself trusting your intuition and spirit guidance so much more! 

Remember, angels love us to call upon them to help us. Their loving presence can sometimes be just the gentle hug from the universe you need to help guide you through difficult times, or it can be the support to keep you living in alignment with your soul purpose, to keep you on a loving vibration and keep joy, peace, contentment and happiness a consistent part of your daily life.


With love, 

Laura xx

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