Archangels... what do they each do? (Part 2)

Archangels... what do they each do? (Part 2)

We've talked about Angels, that we each have our own guardian angel and how to connect with them, so now let's look at Archangels. Archangels are above guardian angels in hierarchy and help in a more specific way, each archangel has a speciality.  When we call on angels, we can either address a specific angel or archangel, or we can speak to them more generally, and the one most able to assist will come forward to help us.  By knowing more about some of the common archangels we can direct our specific request to them, and the angels that help under them, if you would prefer to call on them in a more personal way. 

A few things to keep in mind before we dive more into the individual archangels; when working with angels please remember that they always act from a place of love.  They are here to help guide us but cannot interfere in others free will, they will always act in the highest good for all. They want you to be happy and comfortable and live a life full of love and joy, but this doesn't necessary mean they can help you with material requests. Angels exist in a higher vibration than we do; in this vibration money, ego, status, material effects/materialism and linear time do not exist. On earth, we often get caught up in the 3D human world of career, money, houses, always striving for the next 'big' thing, always looking to achieve and measure our success in how much we have financially and often we want it all to have happened yesterday! We get consumed by doing better than others, being better than others, seeking revenge when others wrong us.  This does no one any good! All this does is keep us looking for the next thing that will fulfil us and make us feel good for a short while. Angels are here to help us to realise that all we need is inside of us. We don't need to be rich and famous to have a happy life, how many celebrities are really, truly happy anyway?! If you are reading this blog, I'm sure you are well aware of all of this already! With this in mind, we can call on our angels to assist us to remain in a place of high vibration, from here we can manifest all the joy and abundance we need ourselves. 

The Archangels...

Archangel Michael 

Known as the 'King of Angels', he is a powerful force and leader of the Archangels. He is also known as the Patron Saint of Protection.  You may often see him depicted with a sword.  Call upon Archangel Michael and his sword when you need protection from a situation, your own dark thoughts or to release cords that keep you emotionally bound to past situations or people.  When you want to work with Archangel Michael you can call him in and visualise his blue light surrounding you.  You can call upon his sword to cut all cords between you and another.  This is a very powerful way to call your energy back to you and release energy that no longer belongs to you, enabling you to move forward in a lighter way. You can visualise his blue, protective light when you need assistance clearing negative thoughts, quietening your ego/monkey mind or need protection in a situation.  Archangel Michael is also known to be very supportive of light workers here on earth so if you yourself are a light worker, you may become aware of his blue light when you are spreading your light to others. 


Archangel Raphael 

One of the Archangels I find myself calling on fairly often! He is known as The Healer. You can call on Archangel Raphael and his healing green light whenever you are feeling ill, or if you know someone else who is poorly, you can ask their angels/higher self for permission in calling him in the help heal the sickness.  You can invite him forward and visualise his green light entering your aura, or radiating out from your heart chakra or the area on the body that needs healing.  He is known to look after the medical profession and be closely linked to them as this is a way he can help us here on earth.  He also loves to be present during Reiki and Crystal Healing therapies, and any other holistic healing therapies.  You can invite him to assist you and visualise his green light around you while you are healing others, or channel it through your hands into your healing.  I often call on him to help aid me or work through me when I am giving healing sessions.  He is also the Archangel to call upon when you are travelling and need protection, 


Archangel Gabriel 

Known as the 'Strength of God', she has a very loving and nurturing energy and is known to help guide children, and help you to heal inner child wounds.  She is known as the Angel of Mothers for both helping with children, and also aiding couples with fertility issues and caring for mothers during pregnancy. You can call on her to help look after any children in your care or if you are trying to conceive, or are pregnant.  Her nurturing presence will help your pregnancy progress smoothly and calmly. Also know as the Angel of Communication, she will assist you with speaking your truth, speaking clearly and all aspects to do with communication.  She is a great Archangel to call upon if you are in a position where you do a lot of talking and communicating i.e. teaching, presenting and leadership roles.  Call upon her and her white light for courage and assistance before you give a public speech.  Her presence will help calm and centre you and enable you to speak clearly and calmly. If you would like to reach out to Archangel Gabriel for assistance then you may notice her listening and guiding you through warm feelings of love, clarity or by seeing her white light. 


Archangel Metatron 

One of only two Archangels believed to have lived a human existence before being called upon to become an angel himself.  Due to his almost unique experience of being human first, it is believed he is easier to connect to than some other archangels.  He will help empower us and help us to see our own unique abilities.  He understands what it means to be human and due to this is able to offer support on our journey and bridge the gap between human consciousness and spirituality.  You can call upon him to help you ascend to a higher vibration and to aid you in developing your own psychic abilities.  You may recognise that you are working with Archangel Metatron by sensing a deep tingling feeling in your crown or seeing a white light pulling you up from your crown.  By calling upon Archangel Metatron he will assist you in ascending, and this can happen fast sometimes! He is here to help us all in our evolution.  He is also known as the record keeper as he records all the choices we humans make into the Akashic Records. Archangel Metatron can also be identified by his geometric cube symbol.  This is a scared shape and can be powerful when used in manifesting or healing practices. Metatron may also reveal himself in a swirl of colours or a bright white light. 


I had a very profound experience during my Reiki II course, during one of my Reiki Attunements I saw lots of swirling colours and Metatron's cube appeared so very clearly in my vision while my eyes were closed. I had such a huge tingly sensation in my head to!  Later that day, when I was back home, I was scrolling through my newsfeed on my phone (as you do) and saw two unrelated posts, one depicting Metatron's cube and one his light! Being attuned to Reiki really does push you forward in your spiritual ascension and the fact that Metatron revealed himself and was with me through this process felt very special. 


So these are the first four Archangel's I will share you with you.  Hopefully you can see that it is useful getting to know more about them and how they can help us with specific situations. By understanding them and calling them in we may see colours related to them or feelings that will let us know that they are with us.

Read through, digest and I will be back soon with more information on a few more Archangels for you 💗🙏👼✨


With love,

Laura xx




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