Energy vampires, feeling drained? Why this happens and how to protect your energy!

Energy vampires, feeling drained? Why this happens and how to protect your energy!

Let’s talk energy vampires… I’m sure we’ve all heard that term? If you haven’t, have you ever been around someone and after you part company, you just feel drained?! You might not notice it too much at the time but once you’re on your own again you just feel wiped out! You may notice the person is being negative, or you try and make positive suggestions to help them, but they are ignored or there is an excuse as to why your suggestions are no good; then later you feel exhausted from the interaction? Well these people we ‘affectionately’ term mood hoovers or energy vampires. They ‘feed’ off of others people positive energy and then leave them feeling drained.

Well if you are often around people like this, and it’s not as easy as simply avoiding the interactions, there are steps we can take to protect ourselves from this.

Firstly, black tourmaline is always our number 1 recommendation! Programme it with your intention to keep the negativity away and provide you with a shield for those pesky low level vibes to bounce right back off again 🙅🏼‍♀️ Wear it, carry it with you or place a piece in an area where you often encouter the negativity.

Secondly, work on your solar plexus chakra. This is the one that will become most drained by these type of interactions, it’s our centre of personal power and one of its main jobs is to protect our energy field. I always think of it as our sunshine chakra, it is represented by the colour yellow and is our little power centre. Situated just below our breastbone and above our navel, this chakra is responsible for our motivation! It’s our happiness and joy centre and this is the chakra that comes to life when we laugh and find excitement in life. This chakra is linked in a big way to our energy field, so if we are upbeat, happy and vibrant, and this chakra is spinning nicely and radiating out our energy, it’s no wonder this energy becomes depleted when we are around someone negative, or in a situation that feels heavy and difficult 🥴

So, the good news is that now that you are aware of this, you can be more in control of people and situations you find draining and soul sucking 😅 If you feel you’ve had the life drained out of you then you need to rebalance your solar plexus chakra and crystals are a perfect way to do this!

There are a few crystals that work particularly well with the solar plexus, so you can either carry them with you, wear them or simply hold/place on your solar plexus and allow the crystals’ energy to harmonise with your chakra and help realign it. You can sleep with the crystal next to you/under your bed for a recharge overnight if needed.

So the crystal that I particularly love to realign my solar plexus is Carnelian. Citrine is another great one, and Amazonite is calming and will help you mentally unwind from the interactions as well as aligning your solar plexus. Remember to programme your crystal with the intention to balance your chakra ;)

A list of all crystals that align with the solar plexus chakra can be found here.

Another great crystal to cleanse all chakras is Charoite (I am wearing my bracelet a lot at the moment!). There are quite a few others that will help realign all your chakras too such as clear quartz and rutililted quartz (which is also a great solar plexus crystal too!).

This is just an overview of one thing that most of us encounter in our lives, and how it can affect just one of our chakras! If you feel your chakras are out of alignment and need more assistance to release unwanted energy then please get in contact to arrange a crystal healing or reiki treatment or get yourself a chakra set of crystals to aid in balancing your chakras.

If you are feeling 'weighed down', stagnant or heavy energy then its definitely a sign to work on your lower chakras.  It is normal to feel this kind of energy from time to time but be mindful of picking up others people energy that isn't meant for you, and if you do, hopefully the above gives some guidance as to how to shift that energy again.  There are many ways we can shift energy if we are just 'having a moment' or find outselves stuck in a rut, we can cleanse ourselves and our environments, meditate, dance, run, exercise, a cleansing shower etc etc, but if the energy has penetrated your aura and become stored in your solar plexus then it will need some deeper work. This often happens when we are regularly around energy vampires or in situations that feel negative and heavy to us.

It's important to keep ourselves aligned and centred and learn ways to protect our energy as this will keep our light shining and we can spread this to others; we are going to encounter people in a lower vibration than us, it's a part of life and life can be heavy.  The term mood hoover refers to people that live in this state more often than not, not those that are going through geniunely difficult situations and need our help and support.

Protect yourself and your energy field, work on your solar plexus if you feel drained and heavy so that you can keep your light shining brightly 💓😊


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