Bumble Bee Jasper
Bumble Bee Jasper
Bring a buzz to your life with this zingy, uplifting calcite! Yes that’s right, this is a calcite based crystal and does not contain any quartz like other typical jasper branded crystals. This rare crystal contains gypsum, hematite and sulfur (the yellow is the high sulfur content within this crystal).
The reason for this high sulfur content is because the mine is located near hot vents of an active volcano called Mount Papandayan in Indonesia!!!
This also means it is difficult to mine and therefore commands a higher price.
This crystal helps to keep a positive mindset through the day to day stresses of life. Helps lift self-limiting beliefs, negativity and depression. Helps through changes and enables choices to be made without emotion clouding judgement. Removes blocks and allows you to focus, aiding in find your creativity and passion.
On a physical level this crystal will boost your energy and help your yin/yang balance. Protects from EMF. Aids allergies, dexterity, bowel conditions, digestion, nerves, heart, blood and circulation.
NB: not for elixirs. Wash hands after handling, do not keep in close contact to skin for prolonged periods of time. Never ingest. This is due to high sulfur and possible arsenic content. Not suitable for children.
Chakras: Sacral and Solar Plexus
Zodiac: Tauras, Cancer and Leo
Planet: Sun
Please note these crystals are large tumblestone sized and each crystal is selected at random.