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The Kent Crystal Cave



Regular price £33.00 GBP
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Probably the rarest crystal find to date!! (You know it's my mission to get the weird and wonderful ones here!)

Genuine Lonsdaleite right here in the Cave.....! And it just landed (excuse the pun) from the Tuscon Gem show 2024!!!

Do a Google search and look at how much these are going for on ebay and the like!!! They are super rare and one of a kind find!

When i first picked one of these up in my right hand, i went all tingly up my right arm, across my shoulders, down my left arm in to my left fingers. That sensation spread across my shoulder blades and then down to my lower back, all the way to my feet! My whole body turned into one big goose bump! Serious ET vibes running though my veins 🙏

So what is it? Well you can read the blog *CLICK HERE* for the FULL Lowdown, or you can read this short list here....

Its a diamond (and it's harder than diamonds we all know and love), made either in space or from an impact of a meteorite. 

It's packed full of cosmos energy ✨️💫

Energy Amplification: Some believe that Lonsdaleite may possess the ability to amplify energy, potentially aiding in energy healing practices or meditation sessions.

Protection from Negative Energies: It is suggested by some that Lonsdaleite could act as a protective shield against negative energies or electromagnetic radiation due to its unique crystal structure.

Emotional Stability: There are claims that Lonsdaleite might promote emotional stability and resilience, assisting individuals in overcoming emotional challenges or traumas.

Enhanced Spiritual Awareness: It is speculated that Lonsdaleite may enhance spiritual awareness or intuition, facilitating deeper spiritual connections or insights.

Physical Healing: Some proponents suggest that Lonsdaleite could have potential benefits for physical healing, such as accelerating the body's natural healing processes or promoting overall well-being.

Amplification of Spiritual Energy: Some individuals believe that Lonsdaleite can amplify spiritual energy, facilitating deeper connections to higher realms of consciousness during meditation or spiritual practices.

Enhanced Intuition: It is speculated that Lonsdaleite may stimulate and enhance intuition, aiding individuals in accessing their inner wisdom and intuition to guide them on their spiritual journey.

Protection and Purification: Lonsdaleite may be thought to offer protection from negative energies and entities, acting as a spiritual shield to purify one's aura and environment.

Facilitation of Spiritual Growth: Due to its rarity and unique properties, Lonsdaleite might be associated with spiritual growth and evolution, assisting individuals in their journey towards enlightenment and self-discovery.

Spiritual Significance: Many believe Lonsdaleite carries powerful spiritual energy due to its extraterrestrial origins. It is thought to connect users with higher realms and cosmic energies.

Healing Properties: Lonsdaleite is said to have healing properties that can help alleviate physical ailments and promote overall well-being. It is believed to enhance vitality and strengthen the body's energy field.

Mental Clarity: Some users claim that Lonsdaleite aids in mental clarity and focus, helping to clear negative thought patterns and promote a sense of inner peace and balance.

Chakra Alignment: It is believed that Lonsdaleite can help align and balance the chakras, facilitating the flow of energy throughout the body. It is particularly associated with the crown chakra, promoting spiritual enlightenment and connection to the divine.

Protection: Lonsdaleite is often used as a protective talisman, shielding the user from negative energies and psychic attacks. It is believed to create a barrier of light around the wearer, providing a sense of safety and security.

Amplification: Like traditional diamonds, Lonsdaleite is said to amplify the energies of other crystals, making it a powerful tool for crystal healing and energy work. It enhances the effectiveness of meditation and manifestation practices.

Manifestation: Some believe that Lonsdaleite can assist in manifestation work by amplifying intentions and desires. It is thought to help manifest abundance, prosperity, and spiritual growth.

Connection to the Cosmos: Due to its extraterrestrial origins, Lonsdaleite is often associated with cosmic consciousness and cosmic wisdom. It is believed to facilitate communication with celestial beings and star guides.

Rare and Precious: Lonsdaleite is extremely rare and valuable, both scientifically and spiritually. Its scarcity adds to its allure and mystique, making it highly sought after by collectors and spiritual practitioners alike.
Incorporating Lonsdaleite into your spiritual practice or healing regimen may provide unique insights and benefits, harnessing the power of this extraordinary crystal from the stars.


You will receive one from the weight bracket picked at random.

Some are spherical, some have flat spots and they are all very dense and unique. 

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